Thursday, October 27, 2016

A Message From Everytown About Early Voting

Don Turner, of NVFAC, shared a nice gem that Everytown, the supporters of the anti-gun Ballot Question 1, have been sharing with their ilk. The original is on Facebook, we're not going to paste it here, besides, you really should look at our page over there. Anyhow, we though you might appreciate the other message from Everytown. We suspect this version didn't get published earlier because it was written too honestly.  
“Early voting is happening in Nevada right now, which means our fight to make Nevada the next state to ban private gun sales and lock people up for lending guns to friends is already underway.

“It’s a fight we can’t afford to lose--and so we’re pouring millions of dollars into ads spreading lies about this incompetent initiative. And to make matters worse, gun control extremists have been videotaping gun rights supporters videotaping our volunteers breaking electioneering laws and intimidating voters.

“Defeating the NRA in Nevada is absolutely crucial to our success in spreading the forerunner to gun registration. It would deal a relatively minor blow (because let’s face it, the law is unenforceable unless you’re a total moron), and do nothing to stop their Second Amendment.

“This is one of two astroturf gun control fights of this election. If we win, Arizona,Florida, New Mexico, Virginia; you’re all next! It’ll prove we’ve got billionaires funding us and the deluded, dishonest, stupid, and crazy supporting us and eventually, we’ll ban all guns everywhere! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.”
The "voter intimidation" they mentioned? That was a group of truly grassroots individuals, on their own initiative, standing outside the 100ft line, supporting gun rights. Apparently, prospective voters were so enthusiastic about voting no on question one, that after a while, the orange shirts had to walk away so they wouldn't hear it. So thank you Nevada for demoralizing the liars into making this (well, the real) desperate message. They're scared. Let's close the gap and VOTE NO ON ONE! Tell your friends!

Oh, by the way Everytown, we'll see you this weekend and everyday until polls close on Election Day. You might want to warn your volunteers to behave themselves and respect the electioneering laws. If we see them break the law, we'll film it and then we'll publish the footage. Heck, we might just even make a private person's arrest.

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